Forum for Adipose Tissue & Stem Cell, better known as FATS, was founded in 2009 by
Eddie Liew. Back then, the lack of knowledge and understandings on adipose derived
procedures and its applications, coupled with the increasing demands for a more
holistic alternatives, were the driving forces that started it all. For over a decade, FATS
has successfully established itself as a brand name on the international scene in the
field of fat grafting and regenerative medicine, driving the progress of the latest adipose
derived related procedures. The platform has been an important bridge that connects
doctors and medical businesses around the world.
FATS continues to create opportunities for doctors in Southeast Asia and beyond,
offering a complete education ecosystem from introduction (FATS Virtual), in-depth
protocol/ technique (FATS Virtual & Academy), hands-on live surgery and cadaver
course (FATS Academy), task force (evaluate protocol’s efficacy), to continuous medical
education updates (FATS conference). Through innovative program and events
organized by FATS, doctors from all over the world converge to learn about the latest
theories, technologies, and hands-on techniques in fat grafting and regenerative
medicine from industries experts.
One of FATS’s most notable events is the annual FATS Bangkok conference. Assisted by
a highly experienced advisory scientific board who help to design this annual conference
and invite experienced world-renowned faculty, FATS Bangkok presents yet another
power-packed event in 2024, a 3-day event from 28th to 30th June 2024. Themed
“Regenerative Revolution: From Science to Practice”, the upcoming conference breaks
away from the norms of pass years’ conferences, and will include a pre-conference
instructional course that provides step-by-step guide with theoretical and practical
segments to help ease the transitioning from what they learnt at the conference to
actual application in their respective practices.
Guided by our mission to bringing only the best, FATS is committed to delivering
meaningful and effective program to our participants.

Prof. Norbert Pallua is a full Professor at the University Hospital of the Rhenish Westphalian Technical University Aachen and Honorary Prof. mult. He is a specialist in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery and is also a Specialist in General Surgery.
After graduating from high school in his home country of Italy, where he alsocompleted his 18-month military service, he studied medicine in Austria. In 1979, he completed his studies at the University of Vienna with a doctorate. In 1980 his medical diploma obtained abroad (Austria) was recognized by examination and nostrification at the University of Bologna and he was granted the license to practice medicine in EU countries.
In 1980 he began his training as a general surgeon at the Rudolf Virchow University Clinic in Berlin West. As a specialist in General Surgery, he began his further training as a specialist in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery at the Hannover Medical School in 1989, which he completed in 1992.
In 1995, he got the ‘Venia Legendi’ for Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery (associate professorship) at the Hanover Medical School. The topic of his PhD thesis was #39;The systemic inflammatory reaction after severe burn trauma and its significance for the development of sepsis #39;.
In 1996 he successfully passed the European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery (EBOPRAS) examination and became a ’Fellow of the European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery (FEBOPRAS)’.
In 1997, he was appointed by the Ministry of Science and Research as a University Professor for life and Director of the Department of Plastic Surgery, Hand, and Burn Surgery at the University Hospital of the Rhenish Westphalian Technical University (RWTH) Aachen, where he headed the clinic until his retirement in 2017.
After retiring as Chairman and Professor of the Department of Plastic Surgery at the University Hospital Aachen in 2017, he has been working full-time at the private Pallua-Clinic for Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery in Düsseldorf/Germany.
In 2003 Prof. Pallua was appointed as an Honorary Professor and as Permanent Honorary Director of the Department of Surgery at the Nanjing University of Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine/ Nanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Nanjing, China.
In 2005 he was appointed as Permanent Honorary Director of the Department of Plastic Surgery at the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Yixing, China.
During his career, Prof. Pallua has held numerous professional political offices, including as President of the European Association of Societies of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (EASAPS) for two legislative periods from 2010 to 2013. From 2014 to 2016 he was President of the European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (EBOPRAS), and from 2015 to 2017 General Secretary of the International Society of Plastic Regenerative Surgeons (ISPRES). From 2018 to 2019 he was President of the European Association of Plastic Surgeons (EURAPS). Since 2019 he has been a Member of the Board of Directors of the International Society of Plastic Regenerative Surgeons (ISPRES) – from 2021 to 2023 as a Parliamentarian and since January 2024 as President-Elect. During his work at the university hospitals, Prof. Pallua and his team conducted many experimental and clinical studies, which were published in over 400 scientific publications.
He was the reviewer of many national and international Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery peer-reviewed Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Journals and a Member of the Editorial Board of many national and international Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Journals.
As a special feature in 2015, Prof. Pallua was honored as ‘Commendatore’ by the President of the Italian Republic Matarella, and the Premier of the Italian Republic Renzi.

Dr. Aris Sterodimas is the Head of the Plastic, Reconstructive Surgery Department at MetropolitanGeneral Hospital, in Athens, Greece. He is the director of Regenerative Surgery Lab and he is considered as the pioneer of adipose stem cell application in the field of Plastic,Reconstructive Surgery.Dr Sterodimas is a Board-certified plastic surgeon, member of the ISAPS, member of the IPRAS, member of the HESPRAS, member of the ASPS, member of the ISPRES; member of the AeXPI.He holds a Master Degree in the field of Surgical Technology by the University College of London and the Imperial College of London.From 2005,he has been actively involved in research of Stem Cells application in the field of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and Regenerative Medicine. His PhD thesis is on Adipose Tissue Engineering in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery by the University of Athens. He has published 65 peer reviewed articles in the most important Plastic Surgery journals and has contributed in the writing of 32 book chapters on the field of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery.Dr Sterodimas serves as Visiting Professor and honored guest lecturer at Institutions around the globe and has participated as a faculty speaker in the biggest events of Plastic Surgery in the last 10 years. He has delivered 632 lectures & performed 52 live surgeries in the last 20 years. More than 150 Plastic surgeons from 28 different countries have visited his department for training and observation of the state-of-the-art procedures performed by him and his team. He is the Editor of 'Adipose Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine' book published by Springer Verlag, which was among the top 25% sold medical books in 2015.His book has been translated in Chinese

Dr. Guy Magalon is a board certified plastic & reconstructive surgeon, with more than 40 years experience in the public sector in the city of Marseille. He is also the President of the ‘Fondation de l’Avenir’ whose ambition is to fund the most promising clinical studies of the future. He holds a deep passion for cell therapies and Marseille has been paving the way for the success of the use of stem cells in various fields such as: hand scleroderma, non healing wounds, burns etc.
- 1987 French Commission Médicale d’Etablissement (CME) 1987
- 1990 Aix-Marseille II University Scientific Board 1990
- 1991 Commission Médicale d’Etablissement (CME) Excutive committee 1991
- 1995 President of the Medical Consultative Committee of the Conception Hospital (CCM) 1995
- 1995 Commission Médicale d’Etablissement (CME) 1995
- 1997 National Council of Universities (CNU) 1997
- 1999 Vice-President of the Commission Médicale d’Etablissement (CME) 1999
- 2001 Vice-President of the National Council of Section 5000 of Universities (CNU) 2001
- 2001 President of the National Council of Sub- Section 50 04 of Universities (CNU) 2001
- 2001 President of the French Society for Surgery of the Hand (GEM)
- 2001 President of the Commission Nationale de Première Instance de Qualification en Chirurgie Plastique, Reconstructrice et Esthétique 2001
2003 President of the Conception Hospital Medical Consultative Committee (CCM) 2003 - 2003 President of the section 5000 and Sub-section 50-04 of the National Council of Universities (CNU) : 2003
- 2005 President of the Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic surgery French Society 2005
- 2006 Biovigilance National Commmission (clinician) 2006
- 2006 Scientific Council of the Avenir Foundation 2006
- 2011 President of Ebopras, European Board of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- 2015 Emeritus Professor Auix-Marseille University

Dr Jeremy Magalon obtained his pharmacist diploma from the University of Aix-Marseille in 2013 with a specialization in cell therapy and regenerative medicine. He holds a university degree in regenerative medicine and a master’s degree in tissue, cell and gene therapy. He also has a PhD degree (2018) whose work focused on the development of an innovative therapeutic drug using the stromal vascular fraction of autologous adipose tissue in the context of Systemic Sclerosis. He is currently Associate Professor and Hospital Practitioner at the University of Aix-Marseille (Faculty of Pharmacy) and at La Conception University Hospital (Department of Cellular Therapy). During his studies, he worked mainly on the optimization of platelet concentrates for the management of disease of the musculoskeletal system and on the therapeutic use of cellular products derived from adipose tissue. In 2014, he spent one year to Necker Hospital (Paris) in the biotherapy department where he participated in the implementation of clinical trials using gene therapy to treat patients with severe hemoglobinopathy.

Professor H. Eray COPCU was the first founder of “Regenerative Medicine Deprtment” in Turkish Universities and also Head of Surgical Disciplines and Head of Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery in Medical Faculty of Izmir University. Previous to this, he was the Vice Dean of Adnan Menderes University, Medical Faculty in addition to his roles of founder and Head of Department in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery in Adnan Menderes University. His specific teaching and research interests are in the areas of aesthetic and reconstructive breast surgery, cell therapy, stem cell and preadipocytes. He has also published more than 50 refereed articles in international journals many proceedings, and contributed extensively to international books written in English. He is editor in chief in Internet Journal of Plastic Surgery and member of editorial boards of many international journals.
Professor Copcu completed his MD degree in Ege (Aegean) University, Turkey in 1992; his residency programme in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, in Izmir Atatürk Teaching Hospital in 1999, and his Assistant and Associate Professor Degrees at Adnan Menderes University, Turkey between 2000-2006. Throughout his career he has been visiting Professor to a number of international universities, including Pittsburgh and Cincinnati University US, University of Edinburgh, University of Leeds in UK ,University of Montreal in Canada and University of Tokyo in Japan.
He developed his own breast reduction technique as “Conical Plicated Central U shaped (COPCUs) mammaplasty”
Research Interests
- Aesthetic Breast Surgery.
- Reconstructive breast Surgery
- Treatment with SVF’s and stemcell
- Preadipocytes, fat cell culture .
- Stemcell therapy
ASAPS: American Soceity of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
ISAPS: International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
TPRECD: Turkish Society of Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
EPCD: Turkish Soceity of Aesthtetic Surgeons
Fibonacci Ass.
IAOMS: International Ass. Of Oral maxillofacial Surgeons

Chair of the Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthteic Surgery, University of Lyon
Chair of the Burn Center ‘Pierre Colson’, University of Lyon
Head of the Facial Composite Allotransplant Team of the University of Lyon
Director of the Regenerative Lab, Cell and Tissue Bank, Lyon
Vice-President of Rhône-Alpes Society of Plastic Surgery
Director of the “Wound Healing” Diploma program at the University of Lyon
Director of the “Burn patients’ treatment” Diploma program at the University of Lyon
Director of the “Techniques of Microsurgery” Diploma program at the University of Lyon
Director of the “Hair Transplant” Diploma program at the University of Lyon
Full Professor of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, University of Lyon UCBL1, 2014
HDR, Habilitation to be Director of a Research Program, 2012
PhD on Adipose Derived Stem Cells, 2010
Master 2 of Medical Bioengineering, 2007
French and European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 2004
Medical Degree, University of Lyon, 2003
187 Articles indexed in PubMed ( http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=mojallal+a )
42 Chapters of International Medical Textbooks of Plastic Surgery and Regenerative Medicine
1 book : ‘Atlas of Cutaneous Perforators’, Editor : (Masson Elsevier http://www.amazon.fr/Ali-
1 Multimedia Application : ‘3D Atlas of Cutaneous Perforators’
46 Didatic Articles for Plastic Surgery Training Program, University of Lyon
434 International Lectures and 305 National Lectures on Anatomy and Aesthteic Surgery,
Perforator flaps, Adipose Derived Stem Cells

Aesthetic Physician, Medical Director at Forever Institute Geneva (Switzerland) Specialist in Regenerative Medicine (PRP, Microfat, Nanofat …) specialist in Aesthetic and Functional Gynecology, specialist in Internal Medicine. Physician trainer Regenerative Medicine Microfat and Nanofat grafting, PRP… Physician trainer Hyaluronic Acid and Toxin, Aesthetic and Functional Gynecology, KOL (Key Opinion Leader) for Neauvia . International trainer for Biminy Academy NSA (Neauvia Scientific Academy) Team member. Tulip Medical Products Adisory Board Member. Medical speaker at international courses and congress such as IFAT, ISPRES, IMCAS, ISAPS…. University diploma teacher. University diploma of injection technique and fillers DUTIC Paris (France), University certificate of aesthetic and restorative gynecology CUMEG Paris (France), University diploma of mesotherapy DIU Mesotherapy Paris (France), University Certificate of Aesthetic Medicine AMME Paris (France). Founding member and President of AIRMESS (Academy of International Regenerative Medicine & Surgery Societies) Founding member and General Secretary of EAGAMPS (European Association for Genital Aesthetic Medicine and Plastic Surgery) Member of the board SSME (Société Suisse de Médecine Esthétique) Member ESAG (European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology) Member ISPRES (International Society of Plastic Regenerative Surgeons)

Tsai Ming Lin, M.D., Ph.D. is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Taiwan specializing in plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgeries. He is best known for his theory of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT), and he is also the inventor of MAFT-GUN, a micro-scale injector…